If you’re a geography teacher looking to liven up your next lesson, these foil-wrapped milk chocolate globes will do the trick. If you’re an environmentalist looking to raise awareness about climate change and recycling, they’ll be perfect for your tabletop display. But if you’re an adventurer lost in the jungles of Southeast Asia, desperately in need of an annotated globe to guide you to safety, well, you’re probably going to be tiger food. These maps are too small and adorable to rely on during an actual crisis on planet earth. But at least you’ll have some delicious milk chocolate treats to share with your fellow adventurers!
There are approximately 70 pieces per pound.
Ball Diameter: 3/4 Inch
Bag contains 5 pounds of Foil Wrapped Chocolate Earth Globe Balls Candy. Sorry, greenhouse gases not included.
Made in the USA.
Shipping Weight ~ 6 lbs.
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